Paul Cronan, Professor and M. D. Matthews Endowed Chair in Information Systems for Walton College of Business, and Chris Bryson, Executive Director of Academic Initiatives and Integrity, gave a presentation titled “Academic Integrity at UA: Some Faculty Perceptions” for the TFSC New Faculty Lunch Discussion. This presentation discussed the results of a survey of University of Arkansas faculty regarding their perceptions of general academic integrity concepts, student understanding of academic integrity, and their perceptions regarding UA’s academic integrity policy. A summary of academic integrity violations were also included.
This content was developed from a presentation by The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center (TFSC) at the University of Arkansas.
which was sponsored by theThe presentation can be downloaded and viewed as a PDF:Paul Cronan and Chris Bryson -UA Faculty Buy In presentation
Further Resources:
- Academic Initiative and Integrity
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic Integrity Allegation Evidence Form.
- Sanction Rubric
Library Resources:
- Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty by James M. Lang. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2013.
- Teaching to Avoid Plagiarism: How to Promote Good Source Use by Diane Pecorari. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education, 2013.
- “Ten Years in the Academic Integrity Trenches: Experiences and Issues” by Doug Atkinson, S. Zaung Nau, and Christine Symons in Journal of Information Systems Education, 27(3), 2016.
- “Who Teaches Academic Integrity and How Do They Teach It?” by Erika Lofstrom, Tiffany Trotman, Mary Furnari, and Kerry Shephard in Higher Education, 69(3), 2016.