Is Turnitin replacing SafeAssign in Blackboard?

Yes, Turnitin will be replacing SafeAssign starting in Fall 2024 as the default integration for similarity checking and plagiarism detection.

Why are we switching to Turnitin?

There are two primary reasons why UARK is making Turnitin available campus wide. First, Turnitin has an extensive database of academic publications, web-content, and student papers. Access to this database will further ensure students are submitting original work, and their sources are cited accurately. Additionally, Turnitin offers AI-Text Detection Writing Reports, which will make AI-generated content visible to Instructors. This provides the faculty with an opportunity to provide feedback to students using AI if that is permitted within their course, and/or it provides faculty with information to consider as they evaluate whether to file a report indicating academic misconduct may have occurred.

What will happen to my previous SafeAssign assignments?

For assignments using SafeAssign in courses prior to Fall 2024, everything will remain intact. If those assignments are copied over into a Fall 2024 course (or later), then the SafeAssign tool will not be available, and Turnitin will need to be enabled on those assignments and any newly created assignments.

How can I learn more about Turnitin?

Attend a Turnitin Tuesday session where you can bring your questions and get help from our Turnitin support, visit our knowledge center at for more information, or go directly to the Turnitin Guides page.

Can I keep using SafeAssign?

Yes, you can make a special request to continue using SafeAssign. A request must be made for each course and resubmitted each term.

Can students check their work using Turnitin before submitting it for credit?

Students can enroll in the Turnitin Self-Check course within Blackboard. This will provide students access to a Similarity report to check their own work for potential plagiarism issues and make changes proactively. Students do not have access to the AI-Text Detection Writing Report within the Turnitin Self-Check course.