1. In Blackboard Ultra, select the course you’d like to add an assignment to.
  2. Create an assignment as usual. For more information, view Blackboard’s assignment setup guidance.
  3. On the Assignment Settings panel on the right, under the Originality Report section, select the Enable Turnitin link.
  4. Select the Enable Turnitin toggle from the right sidebar.
  5. The Turnitin assignment settings will appear in the sidebar.

For more information about the instructor assignment setup workflow, please reference Blackboard’s Turnitin guidance.

Turnitin Assignment Settings

Store student submissions in

  • Standard paper repository
    • Submissions are stored in the global Turnitin repository.
  • Institution paper repository
    • Submissions are stored in a repository which is only accessible by your institution.
  • Do not store the submitted papers
    • A Similarity Report will be generated for submissions, but submissions will not be stored in the standard repository or the institution’s repository for future comparison.

If you find that this setting is unavailable to you, please contact your administrator to request it to be enabled in their account settings. If your administrator subsequently finds that the setting is also unavailable to them, it is recommended that they speak to their Turnitin account manager.

Compare submissions against

These options allow you to select the repositories that students’ submissions will be checked against when processing Similarity Reports. The Similarity Score may decrease if a repository option is deselected.

  • Student database
    • This option compares current submissions to previous submissions in classes and assignments in Turnitin across institutions.
  • Institutional database
    • This option compares current submissions to the repository of student papers unique to your institution.
  • Website content
    • This option compares current submissions to a repository of archived and live publicly available internet pages containing billions of pages of existing content and tens of thousands of new pages added daily.
  • Periodicals, journals, and publications
    • This option compares current submissions to third party periodical, journal, and publication content including many major professional journals, periodicals, and business publications.

Similarity Report

Exclude bibliographic materials

This setting excludes text that appears in the bibliography, works cited, or references sections of student papers from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.

Exclude quoted materials

This setting excludes quotations from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Reports. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.

Exclude small sources

This setting excludes matches that are not of sufficient length (determined by you) from being considered when generating Similarity Reports. Once this setting has been checked, a box will appear where you can exclude matches by number of words. You can overwrite this setting in individual Similarity Reports.

Allow students to view report after submitting

This setting allows students to view their Similarity Reports for submissions to this assignment. Select the checkbox to allow your students to view their Similarity Reports for submissions to this assignment. On future launches into the settings panel, this setting will be controlled by Blackboard Learn and can be changed under the toggle option to enable the integration.

Normally report scores will generate within a few minutes, however if this is not the case, please wait up to 24 hours before contacting support as further attempts to generate the report will continue for this timeframe.


More Turnitin information can be found at https://guides.turnitin.com/hc/en-us