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Blackboard Ultra now refers to “Columns” in Gradebook as “Items”
If you create an assignment, test, quiz, etc. in Blackboard and give it a point value, Blackboard will automatically create the associated item in the Gradebook.  However, items can also be created in the Gradebook that are not tied to Blackboard assignments for a variety of uses, 0ne is in face-to-face classes so students can check their grades online. Additionally, you can create items to perform calculations on other items and create a custom total  that can reflect an average of other items, set up different weights, and a minimum/maximum item.

Manual Grade Items

Blackboard Help has excellent instructions on creating a manual grade item.

Create Calculated Items

  1. Go to your course.
  2. Click on Gradebook in the top menu.
    Click Gradebook.
  3. Hover between two items in the gradebook and Click on the “+” sign, then Click Add Calculation.
    Click "+" and the Click Add Calculation

See this Blackboard Help article for details on creating calculated items. If you would like to create an item with an Average, a Minimum/Maximum, a Total, or a Weighted Total.  You will build your formula from the available Functions and Variables.

Functions and Variables

  • Average: Generates the average for a selected number of graded items, categories, and other calculations. For example, you can find the average score on all tests.
  • Total: Generates a total based on the cumulative points, related to the points allowed. You can select which graded items, categories, and other calculations are included in the calculation.
  • Minimum: Generates the minimum grade for a selection of graded items, categories, and other calculations. For example, you can find the minimum score on all assignments.
  • Maximum: Generates the maximum grade for a selection of graded items, categories, and other calculations. For example, you can find the maximum score on all discussions.
  • Variable: Select an individual graded item or calculation from the menu. You may only add one variable at a time. Continue to add variables from the left pane to add as many variables as you need.


  • Add ( + )
  • Subtract ( – )
  • Divide ( / )
  • Multiply ( * )
  • Open Parenthesis (
  • Close Parenthesis )
  • Value: After the text box appears in the formula, click on the box to add a numeric value. You can include seven digits before a decimal point and four digits after it. When the calculation is generated and appears in students’ grade pills, only two digits appear after the decimal point.