At some point, you will need to replace old files with new versions in your course. Instead of adding new files each time, which increases the clutter and size of the course files area, use the overwrite feature in Blackboard.

Overwrite a file

If you want to replace an existing file in the Content Collection, you can overwrite it on the Overwrite File page. Overwriting a file doesn’t change the name of the file. You must have read, write, and remove permissions for a file to overwrite it.

You can’t overwrite a file with a different file type. For example, a DOC file should not be overwritten with a JPG file.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Tools.
    Click on Tools
  3. Click Content Collection.
  4. Access the Content Collection where the file you want to change is located.
  5. Browse to the file.
  6. Click the down arrow next to the file name.
  7. Click Overwrite File.
  8. Select Browse to locate and select the new file.
  9. Click Submit.

After you upload a new file, refresh the page to clear the browser cache and show the new file name.