To help instructors stay on top of their grading workload, we added an indicator to the Gradebook tab to let you know when there are new submissions to grade. The indicator displays the number that needs grading. If the count goes higher than 99, it displays as 99+.

We also added a new Gradebook Overview tab to improve task orientation and grading efficiency. This tab contains two sections:  Needs Grading  and  Needs Posting.

Needs Grading Section
If you face a substantial grading workload, the  Needs Grading  section is a useful tool for prioritizing your tasks. It allows you to see all items ready for grading and a count of the total number of outstanding grading tasks in your course.

This section displays up to five items at a time, ordered by the oldest ungraded submission. For an item, select  Grade now  to quickly access the submissions you need to grade. If your course has more than five items that need grading, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the section to navigate through all pending tasks.

Needs Posting Section
The  Needs Posting  section increases accessibility of assessments with grades that need posting. For an item, select  Post now  to post its grade. If there are more than five items that need posting, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the section to navigate through the pending tasks.