Category: HIP Events

HIPs: High Impact Practices

The Multicultural Center and the Offices of Student Success sponsored, “Are We H.I.P. Enough? A Retreat Showcasing High Impact Practices on Campus.”  The retreat, coordinated by Brande Flack, Danielle Dunn, and Deborah Korth, featured “high impact practices” being used to improve student success at the University of Arkansas.  The goal of the retreat was to work to create new ways to collaborate more effectively and efficiently to better our understanding of the initiatives happening at the U of A.  They had volunteers from across campus assist with leading discussions, activities, and short presentations on “High Impact Practices” or “Best Practices” that can lead to increased student retention and improved overall student experiences. So what are High Impact Practices?

All content in this post was developed by Brande Flack, Danielle Dunn, and Deborah Korth.

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HIP 9: Service Learning as High Impact Practices

At the University of Arkansas we have the Service Learning Initiative (SLI) which emphasizes civic engagement in courses while also giving students course credit for working with faculty members. Service learning is a high impact practice that increases student retention and learning.

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HIP 7: Building Intercultural Competence in Student Learning

Including topics from many perspectives in the classroom is essential to building intercultural competence. Jacquelyn Wiersma-Mosley gave a presentation titled “Building Intercultural Competence in Student Learning” which represents HIP 7: Global Learning. In collaboration with Brande Flack, Wiersma-Mosley focused on methods to increase students’ intercultural competence. She emphasized the need to set ground rules for civil discourse and teach students how to engage respectfully and rely on evidence-based arguments.

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HIP 3: The iBelieve Initiative

The iBelieve Intitative at the University of Arkansas serves as an example of a learning community. Learning communities are high impact practices that assist students in working together toward a common goal. The iBelieve Initiative focuses on improving the graduation rate of African American males at the University of Arkansas.

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HIP 1: University Perspectives

University Perspectives is an example of a first year seminar course designed to aid students in the transition from high school to college. University Perspectives is a faculty-led initiative that was begun in 2013 and introduces students to life at the University of Arkansas.

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