Category: Assignments & Measuring Student Learning

The Power of Low-Stakes Testing in the College Classroom: Engaging Students, Boosting Learning

As university faculty, we’re always looking for ways to keep our students engaged, encourage retention of material, and lower the anxiety often associated with high-stakes exams. One effective method is […]

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Alternatives to Scantron

So many times, we stick with what we’ve always done, when there might be new and better ways to do the same thing. You might even find that these new ways actually save you time and effort! Did you know that you can do your quizzes and exams online in Blackboard instead of using a scantron or bluebook? There are lots of ways to customize your assessments and cut down on academic dishonesty using these tools.

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Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha is a method of creating a slideshow that consists of twenty slides with just an image presented for twenty seconds each. The slides should automatically advance so that you don’t have to keep track of the time. This allows an entire presentation to take place in 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

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