Dr. Kathy SloanDr. Kathy Sloan, Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs, presented on “The View from the Fourth Floor: New Rights and Responsibilities for Non-Tenure Track Faculty” April 9th, 2020 at a TFSC event.

Dr. Sloan began by discussing the many trials that the faculty have been facing after being forced to move to remote delivery of their courses and addressed some of the fears they might be facing about budget cuts. She reassured them that there were no plans of eliminating any non-tenure-track positions.

The video of this presentation can be accessed by visiting the Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center (TFSC) Blackboard course and clicking on Archived Presentations.

New Rights that Went Into Effect May 1st, 2020

  • If there are more than two non-tenure-track 100% appointed faculty, then they must be represented on the evaluation committees.  This includes Promotion committees and Peer Review committees.
  • Many Faculty were on year-to-year contracts, but they are working on compelling departments to offer 3 to 5-year contracts to provide more stability to the Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. Evaluative criteria should be laid out in the offer letter for that position.
  • Once you have been in the ranks of the Non-Tenure-Track Faculty for 6 years you can be up for promotion.
    • It’s important to ask for a Third Year Review to indicate your interest of going up for promotion.
    • Keep in mind that you will need external review letters so network with colleagues outside the university.
  • Student evaluations are no longer the gold standard for proving teaching effectiveness.
  • Grant money that comes from the Office of Faculty Affairs is now available to non-tenure-track faculty.


If you would like more information on how to incorporate technology into your courses, reach out to us at tips@uark.edu.

This content was developed from a presentation by Dr. Kathy Sloan which was sponsored by The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center (TFSC) at the University of Arkansas.