You can use VoiceThread to create assignments that require students to comment on a VoiceThread that you create. Read more about the new features here.

Note: It’s important to have your media or PowerPoint slides prepared before setting up the assignment.

  1. Go to your Blackboard Ultra course.
  2. Browse to where you want the VoiceThread to be located.
  3. Click on the plus sign “+” where you want to place the VoiceThread Assignment.
  4. Click Content Market.
  5.  Click VoiceThread.
    Select Voicethread
  6. This will bring up the VoiceThread Setup page.
    options for adding a type of assignment

    Assignment Builder
    • Sets up a link for students to upload a VT to be graded by the instructor. This can be private between the student & instructor or shared with the class.
    • Sets up a link for students to submit a required number of comments on an Instructor Voicethread to be graded.
    Individual VoiceThread
    Sets up a link to an Instructor-created VT. Good for Introductory VoiceThreads where students can add slides or Multiple Group VoiceThreads.
    Course View
    Sets up a link to all VoiceThreads shared with the Course.
    VT Home Page
    Sets up a link to all VoiceThreads shared with the owner.
  7. From the VoiceThread Setup Page, click Assignment Builder.
  8. Click Comment.
    Click Comment
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Click Filter and Sort and choose Owned by me.
  11. Either click one of your already created VoiceThreads or Create a New VoiceThread.
  12. Click Continue.
    Note: Selecting a previous VoiceThread will create a copy for this assignment so you don’t have to worry about previous comments. If you create a VoiceThread, you can select Add from Computer to upload a PowerPoint or other media.
  13. This page will show all the slides for the presentation for you to edit or rearrange. Click Continue.
  14. This page will allow you to add additional instructor comments or remove previous ones on all slides.
    Check out VoiceThread: Basic Navigation and Commenting.

    1. Add a Comment.
    2. Open Slide Gallery.
    3. Click on the three dots under a slide to: Edit, Download, or Delete.
    4. Click the plus sign “+” on the right side of the slide gallery to add media.
  15. Click Continue
  16. Choose your preferred options.
    Select Options. Click Continue
    Note on Number of Comments Required
    : Students cannot Submit until they reach the required number. They can close the assignment and return to complete it later. Once the required number of comments has been reached the Submit button will be available.
  17. Click Continue.
  18. Enter the name of your assignment, complete assignment instructions, a message to appear upon completion of the assignment, a start date, end date, and close date, choose whether or not to allow the students to resubmit, and choose Assessment scoring. (Percentage, Complete/Incomplete, Points).  If Points are selected, enter the number of points possible.
  19. Click Publish.
  20. The Due Date will need to be set in Ultra to match the Due Date set in VoiceThread.  The Points will match. Click the three dots … to set the due date.
  21. Set the Due Date, repeat the Assignment Instructions, and click Save when complete.
    Set the Due Date, Repeat the Assignment instructions and Save
    Completed Voicethread Link

As the assignment is completed, you can click on the link and view each student’s contributions and grade them.