Create a release condition to make content visible to all users, specific users, or groups when you reach a certain date, previous content has been completed, or a certain grade has been achieved. 

  • Date – This option is useful when you want content to appear on a certain day. For instance, you might have all Unit 2 content appear on February 1st because that’s when you anticipate teaching that content in your lectures.
  • Performance – If you wanted the next module to not appear until a student received at least a B on a certain exam, then this would be a great choice.
  • By User or Group – This would be helpful when you have a certain item you only want for certain students to see. For example, you might only want a student with an excused absence to see the video that you made of your lecture, but you don’t want all students in the class to be able to view it.

With release conditions, you can set a combination of these rules:

  • Which course members or groups have access.
  • When the course content is accessible, visible, and hidden.
  • What student performance is required, such as completing an assignment or scoring above a threshold on a test.

Click on any item and select Release Conditions from the drop down menu. (Top Right)

To create a rule check out our TIPS post: Release Conditions

You can create multiple rules for different groups. Example:  Rule 1 could be for Undergrad students and Rule 2 for Grad students.