If your students are like most of us, they need reminders! A great way to keep them on track is a slide at the beginning of class that lays out assignments, what’s coming up next, and adds any necessary prompts to get them started that day in class.
Possible Additions to the Today’s Class Slide
- Previous Readings
- Upcoming Readings
- Today’s Topics
- Next Time’s Topics
- Upcoming Homework
- Upcoming Exams and Quizzes
- Clicker Channel and Session ID
- Prompts to Have Special Materials for that Day’s Classwork Ready
This is an example of one of Dr. Kathryn Zawisza’s PowerPoint slides. She uses reminders of what her students should have read for the current class and what reading is due for next time, as well as what subjects are going to be covered in today’s and next time’s class. If you use clickers, it can also be useful to include a reminder of the channel number and/or session ID for students since they often use them in many different classes each day.  Other additions can be homework due dates and reminders of upcoming quizzes or exams.