The TIPS team offered a two day virtual workshop on remote teaching May 20-21, 2020. Some of the topics discussed included planning and mapping out your course and engaging students in the remote environment.
0:00 – Discussing the results of the pre-workshop survey.
3:34 – Utilizing breakout rooms.
6:36 – Limitations of not being able to see your students and adapt your lecture based on the feedback you get from their faces.
7:30 – Strategies for dealing with the awkwardness of coming back from Breakout Sessions to limit abruptness.
9:08 – Setting up expectations.
0:00 – Discussion of the Community of Inquiry and its three different parts: Teaching Presence, Cognitive Presence, and Social Presence.
6:35 – How to get help with a specific tool for teaching.
0:00 – Blended Learning.
2:55 – Finding already developed content like Open Educational Resources.
6:30 – Are my assignments still doing what I want them to do in this new format?
9:40 – The different mindset students are in during the Covid-19 pandemic.
0:00 – What are the new characteristics of our learners?
5:00 – Office365 Access
8:25 – Repetition
9:00 – Academic Integrity
10:25 – Are the tools you’re using helping or hindering your teaching?
12:29 – Adding automatically updated instructions for your students to your class.
13:40 – Academic Integrity tools and methods.
14:58 – Unreliable internet or computer access.
16:09 – Consulting your students about what they want and what they’re comfortable with.