Author: Kathryn Zawisza

Lecture Capture: Echo360 Advanced Features

While you may use Echo360 to record your lectures, there are several other features that you can use to gather analytics, create more interactive classes, and engage your students more. Read further for information on Q&A sessions for your class, live interactive polling, and analytics on how students are engaging in with the Echo360 content.

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Lecture Capture: Echo360 Analytics

If you are using Echo360 to record your lectures, there are built in analytics to see who is watching the videos as well as how engaged they are when watching the videos. If you add additional content in Echo360, such as your powerpoint or other materials or create a live polling option within Echo360, you can also see analytics for these features.

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Lecture Capture: Echo360 Creating a Presentation with Live Polling

Echo360 offers the ability to conduct live polling in the classroom. You can ask multiple choice, true/false, short answer, image quizzes, ordered lists, and numerical formula questions. You create or upload a presentation into Echo360 and present from the tool. Students can then use their mobile devices or computers to answer the questions if they are logged in to Echo360. This is free for students and they do not need to download any additional software to use it.

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