Blackboard Ultra: Gradebook Overview Tab
To help instructors stay on top of their grading workload, we added an indicator to the Gradebook tab to let you know when there are new submissions to grade. The […]
Read MoreSep 9, 2024 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
To help instructors stay on top of their grading workload, we added an indicator to the Gradebook tab to let you know when there are new submissions to grade. The […]
Read MoreJul 22, 2024 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook, Grading
Information on grade calculations and clarification on what running total really means.
Read MoreJul 27, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
When grading an assignment that involves videos submitted by students you can view the video for grading by following these steps.
Read MoreJul 25, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
Blackboard now has Grade Display Standardization. This standardizes the decimal places in the grade center to ensure more accurate grade reporting.
Read MoreJul 25, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
Sometimes it can be useful to see all the actions that have been taken with a grade in order to diagnose a problem or research a claim made by a student that they couldn’t submit their assignment. The Grade History can be a great source of information in cases like this.
Read MoreJul 21, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
You can use the filter feature in the Gradebook to show one or multiple sections of your course at a time.
Read MoreJul 21, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
At times it may be necessary to allow a student another chance at an assignment or to hide one of their previous attempts at an assignment. This is a simple task using the Grade Details Page.
Read MoreJul 19, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
You can manage item visibility and reorder gradebook items in the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook.
Read MoreJul 19, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
Instructors may want to sort by Gradable Item options or Student View options in Gradebook. Sorting provides a more efficient grading experience. For example, you may want to sort by grading status to quickly locate items that need grading.
Read MoreJul 17, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
This will show you how to set up the Blackboard Gradebook (Grade Center) to drop a grade from a group of scores, such as dropping the lowest quiz score from a semester’s worth of grades. You have to categorize the group, create a calculated column, and configure the settings.
Read MoreJul 13, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook, Grading
Instructors can download all student submissions for a single assignment or a single quiz from the Blackboard Gradebook to review them offline. It will download submissions into a zip file and you can print or grade them.
Read MoreJul 13, 2023 | Blackboard Ultra, Grade Center / Gradebook
The Blackboard Gradebook will allow you to set up grading schemas. Grading schemas allow you to assign a letter or word to a grade column. This post will walk you through the two-step process of setting up grading schemas. In Blackboard, Grading Schemas are used to assign a letter or word to a Gradable Item rather than a numeric value.
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