Turnitin: Syllabus Statement
Faculty using Turnitin on a particular assignment are encouraged to do so for all students to ensure fairness and consistency. Using this syllabus statement along with Turnitin is also encouraged.
Read MoreAug 1, 2024 | Academic Integrity, Plagiarism Detection, Syllabus & Course Creation
Faculty using Turnitin on a particular assignment are encouraged to do so for all students to ensure fairness and consistency. Using this syllabus statement along with Turnitin is also encouraged.
Read MoreMay 14, 2024 | Syllabus & Course Creation, Top TIPS
Creating a syllabus is an important part of teaching. The syllabus serves as a sort of contract between students and the instructor. It should clearly outline course requirements, expectations, and goals as well as include pertinent information regarding assignments, class and institutional policies, and grading. Crafting a useful and clear syllabus is an important skill. Luckily there are several well-accepted components of a syllabus that are common throughout most disciplines and universities.
Read MoreJan 3, 2024 | Syllabus & Course Creation
The course reserves service allows university instructors to place instructional materials such as a small portion of a library-owned book or an article from a journal to be digitized and to be posted on his/her Blackboard class page.
Read MoreJun 13, 2023 | Syllabus & Course Creation
Faculty should advise students about proper use of class recordings and notes. Here are approved syllabus statements.
Read MoreJun 13, 2023 | Academic Integrity, Syllabus & Course Creation
The Office of Academic Initiatives and Integrity and the Teaching Innovation and Pedagogical Support (TIPS) Team have worked together to develop and compile resources to help faculty promote the culture of integrity in a remote teaching environment. Here are some guidelines and approved syllabus statements.
Read MoreJun 13, 2023 | Syllabus & Course Creation
Faculty should make expectations of students clear in relation to all aspects of their course. This includes expectations relative to attendance, participation, communication, and professionalism. Here are some approved syllabus statements.
Read MoreApr 2, 2023 | Syllabus & Course Creation
This syllabus template is intended for use as a guide to including clicker information in your course syllabus. Please edit the information to fit your needs.
Read MoreJan 31, 2023 | Syllabus & Course Creation
Sometimes we are unable to hold our face-to-face classes. In some cases there is an outbreak of the flu or measles, in other cases, there is inclement weather, conferences, and illness. In all of these instances there are technologies and assignments available that can help you deliver content to your students or have your students work together even if they cannot attend physical classes. Included here are some ideas for recording lectures that students can later view, holding synchronous lectures with video conferencing, and assignments that students can do either independently or collaboratively over the web.
Read MoreJul 13, 2022 | Syllabus & Course Creation
While the internet seems to encourage sharing, most images and photos are protected under copyright law. Copyright gives only the author the exclusive right to use and reproduce their work.
Read MoreMar 17, 2022 | Syllabus & Course Creation
The syllabus is often one of the most important documents we craft as faculty members. During a presentation when Lynne Meade was discussing guidelines for student civility during difficult discussions […]
Read MoreFeb 17, 2022 | Syllabus & Course Creation
When designing your courses, it can be important to take into account exactly how much work in and out of class a credit hour of credit should equal.
Read MoreOct 2, 2020 | Syllabus & Course Creation
This article provides an overview of various online course quality evaluation rubrics that can be used to improve or evaluate your online course. For help with applying these rubrics, please contact tips@uark.edu or your instructional designer?
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