Clickers are hand-held remote control response devices used to answer questions in class.  Additionally, there is clicker software that allows students to use their mobile device, tablet, or web browser to answer questions. They can be used for giving quizzes, taking attendance, or simply helping to ensure that the students are engaged and actively participating in the course. The PointSolutions RF-LCD and PointSolutions Mobile are the only approved student response technologies for the University of Arkansas.

    • Choose between using the PointSolutions Mobile app, physical clickers, or a combination of both.
      NOTE: If you have students using physical clickers in your classroom, you will need a receiver to collect students’ data. The receiver will incur a fee to the department, which is currently $100.

      If you are a faculty member new to clickers and require a physical receiver, go to and click on Request Service to request a physical receiver.  In the service request, make sure to include the name(s) of your course(s) and approximate enrollment as well as your funding source.

    • Inform the University Bookstore by contacting the Textbook Department by phone at 575-3010 or email at and letting them know the course number and approximate enrollment.
    • Create a PointSolutions Account
    • Connect your Instructor PointSolutions Account and download your courses
    • Find the channel number for your classroom. To prevent interference, individual classrooms have been assigned unique clicker channels. See the Channel Allocations Map for room clicker channel assignments. If your classroom is not on the map, contact
    • Let your students know you’ll be using clickers.