Did you know that you can import existing exams, quizzes, and surveys into Blackboard? For example, if you would like to import the academic integrity quiz questions provided by the Office of Academic Initiatives and Integrity (found on TIPS) you can!

NOTE: This only applies to Blackboard Learn Original. In Blackboard Learn Ultra you will copy course content instead of exporting and importing content.

To Import a quiz into Blackboard you must first export it by downloading the test in zip format.

To export it

  1. Click Test, Survey, and Pools in Course Tools.
  2. Click Tests
  3. Click the arrow next to the exam name.
  4. Click Export and choose “Export to Local Computer.” Keep the file zipped in order to import it.
  5. After that, you can Import the Test.
  6. The final step is to create a link in your content area to the exam.

Further Resources: