Category: Create Video/Audio

Kaltura: Installing Kaltura Capture

The Kaltura Capture desktop recorder enables easy recording in class, at home, or on-the-go with automated publishing and interactive viewing within Blackboard. You can automatically capture video, audio, and screen alone or in sync. Kaltura Capture can input two visual recording sources (screen or camera), and one audio recording source. With advanced features like live drawing and editing, you can enhance your viewer’s experience.

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Kaltura: Video Stuck Uploading

Sometimes a video will get hung up in the uploading process and be stuck at 15% or 40% or some other percent for a very long time. If it’s been more than a half an hour and the percentage hasn’t changed at all, here’s what you can do.

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Kaltura: MediaSpace Go Mobile App

Kaltura MediaSpace Go is a mobile app that allows you to login and upload media into your Kaltura account directly from your mobile device. Once uploaded, the media will be in your My Media area within Blackboard Learn, and can be added into course content folders, discussions, or assignments.

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Kaltura: Video Editor

Kaltura has a native media editor online called Kaltura Editor. The Editor is great for creating a clip from a longer video, trimming the beginning or ending or a recording, or deleting an interruption in the middle of the recording.

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